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Ebnez was delivered in 883. He became the sixteenth King of Human Xanth in the year 909, succeeding Warren. His talent was to adapt magical inanimate items. He was the husband of Mnem and the father of the Muses of Mount Parnassus.

The daughters Ebnez and Mnem were delivered in the following order.

  • 910 - Calliope
  • 911 - Euterpre
  • 912 - Melpomene
  • 913 - Terpsichore
  • 914 - Erato
  • 915 - Polyhymenia
  • 916 - Urania
  • 917 - Thalia
  • 920 - Clio

After Thalia was delivered, Ebnez sent his daughters to Castle Roogna for safety. Ebnez and Mnem tried to not have any more children due to a curse attached to their ninth daughter, Clio.

Ebnez's most famous work was adapting a death stone into a shield stone which created a magical field around the entire land of Xanth, impenetrable from either side. This was removed by order of King Trent.

Ebnez died in 952 and was succeeded by Humfrey.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

Family of Ebnez of Xanth.