The Addams Family Tree
Page last edited 2,865 days ago
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Series | The Addams Family (TV Series) |
Season | 1 |
Original Airdate | October 16, 1964 |
Written by | Hannibal Coons, Harry Winkler and Lou Houston |
Director | Jerry Hopper |
Summary[edit | edit source]
Pugsley and Wednesday go to a friend's birthday party, but there is a small altercation when Harold Pomeroy says his family is better than theirs. This rivalry prompts Gomez to trace his family's ancestry. He hires Professor Simms to research his genealogy.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
- 05.The.Addams.Family.Tree 012.jpg
- 05.The.Addams.Family.Tree 033.jpg
- 05.The.Addams.Family.Tree 040.jpg
- Af farouk addams family tree.jpg
Cousin Farouk
- 05.The.Addams.Family.Tree 052.jpg
- Af blemish.jpg
- Af grizzly.jpg
- 05.The.Addams.Family.Tree 074.jpg
- 05.The.Addams.Family.Tree 076.jpg
- Af mamoud.jpg
- Af bruno addams family tree.jpg
Lovely rug...
- Af kitty kat walking by armor.jpg
Background Information[edit | edit source]
Tristan and Isolde, Bruno, and Kitty Kat appear in this episode, and Pugsley's pet jaguar Fang and pet octopus are mentioned.
Relatives Mentioned[edit | edit source]
- Cousin Curdle
- Cousin Farouk
- Aunt Blemish
- Grandpa Slurp
- Cousin Clot
- Grand-Uncle Grizzly
- a family of Addamses who live in a native village far up the Amazon river deep in the jungle
- Mamoud Khali Pasha Addams
- Black Bart Addams
- Bloody Addams
- Cousin Bleak
Links and References[edit | edit source]
Guest Stars[edit | edit source]
Frank Nelson as Cecil B. Pomeroy
Kim Tyler as Harold Pomeroy
Jonathon Hole as Professor Simms
References[edit | edit source]
Previous episode: Gomez, the Politician |
Episodes of The Addams Family (TV Series) | Next episode: Morticia Joins the Ladies League |