10 Things We All Hate About Railroad Lawsuit Mds

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Railroad Lawsuits and blacklands Railroad lawsuit Asthma

Railroad workers often are exposed to fumes and toxic chemicals like creosote, silica, and asbestos. These exposures can cause lung diseases, such as asthma.

Fortunately, victims may be entitled to compensation under the Federal Employers' Liability Act. A railroad lawsuit asthma attorney can aid. Find out more about some examples of successful verdicts and settlements.

Diesel Exhaust

Because trains are powered by diesel fuels, railroad workers are exposed all day to diesel fumes. The fumes consist of tiny soot particles, gasses, and other harmful chemicals that can cause serious health issues. Exposure to these fumes could lead to the development of asthma and other lung diseases.

Railroads have been aware of the dangers of exposure to diesel exhaust for Blacklands Railroad Lawsuit years. Many companies have not taken the proper precautions to protect their workers. Certain railroad workers have developed respiratory diseases that are debilitating.

When combined with other workplace hazards like asbestos, silica and creosote, exposure to diesel fumes can result in the development of life-altering pulmonary diseases, including asthma. These ailments can stop railroad workers from returning back to work, and can even impact their overall health.

In one instance, our lawyers successfully defended the rights of a FELA lawsuit brought by an engineer on the locomotive who claimed that he had developed leukemia and other cancers due to exposure to toxic chemicals and diesel fumes when working on railroad controls limited lawsuit equipment. The judge granted summary judgment to the defendant railroads, ruling that Plaintiff did not conduct an adequate search for information about his illness at the time of diagnosis, and the claims were time-barred.


Railroad workers are often exposed to various kinds of dust, such as silica from ballast, coal dust, and petroleum or chemical fuels. These toxic substances can be harmful to health and may cause respiratory illnesses such as asthma.

Our FELA lawyer has assisted many people claim compensation for their exposure. FELA allows employees suffering from certain diseases to hold employers accountable for not protecting them from dangers in their workplaces.

A Montana jury, for instance gave $3.7 Million to a former engineer of the Blacklands railroad lawsuit (http://eurasiaaz.com/) who suffered from pulmonary fibroidsis, which is a progressive lung condition that is caused by scarring in lung tissue. In his FELA claim, the plaintiff claimed that inhaling diesel fumes hundreds, perhaps thousands of times contributed to the development and development of his lung disease. Jurors were not convinced by the testimony of defense experts that the engineer's lung condition could have a different cause.

Similar to this, Friends of the Columbia Gorge and Sierra Club successfully sued BNSF railroad over its coal trains. Every time a train goes through the Gorge it pollutes plant and wildlife habitat, the wetlands, tributary streams and the Columbia River with coal dust and other debris. In the wake of this lawsuit, BNSF will stop transporting coal through the Gorge and other areas.


Rail workers were exposed to dangerous chemicals for a lengthy period. Other toxic substances remain in the workplace even although asbestos has been removed. Chemical solvents, like are found to cause asthma and other respiratory ailments. This is why railroad workers are able to file lawsuits seeking damages from the companies who employed them.

In one case the jury determined that a 61-year old locomotive engineer was suffering from asthma caused by diesel due to his railroad work. The illness forced him take medical leave, which resulted in lost wages. He also had two back surgeries, including a multilevel lumbar spine fusion. All of this amounted to significant medical costs.

He claimed that his body was constantly exposed to diesel exhaust fumes and strong odors. He also said he was constantly exposed to silica particles chemical compounds, spray paints, and black smoke. His chest tightened, his throat ached, and he was having trouble swallowing. He also suffered from allergies and chronic bronchitis.

The railroads successfully argued the releases that plaintiff signed in 1996 should be void for his new suit since he was aware of the risk at the time he was exposed to asbestos. Hughes Law Offices also argued that the statute of limitations should be tolled until the plaintiff was diagnosed with cancer in order to give him the opportunity to seek medical care and determine if the condition was related to his work.

Poor Ventilation

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with lung cancer, lung diseases, mesothelioma or other forms of cancer that could be linked to working in the railroad industry, you may have the right to bring an class action lawsuit against norfolk southern railroad under FELA against the corporation that employed you. FELA lawsuits could award compensation for medical costs as well as lost wages, suffering and pain, and other damages. Contact an Houston FELA attorney today to discuss your case.

A jury gave $2.6 million to an ex- Conrail engineer in his occupational disease trial after determining what caused his chronic asthma. The jury found that his exposure to diesel exhaust fumes was all the time while working on locomotives in rail yards. The lawyers representing the plaintiffs claimed that railroads did not prevent exposure by not providing adequate ventilation in the cabs of locomotives.

In addition to the diesel fumes wasatch railroad contractors lawsuit workers breathe, they also frequently come in contact with toxic chemicals as well as other harmful substances during their job. Asbestos, benzene, and other carcinogens are commonly found in construction and maintenance materials. Sadly, these harmful substances can lead to a variety of cancers as well as other serious health issues, including pulmonary illnesses such as asthma.

A Houston FELA attorney can help you to hold an employer accountable for their negligence if you suffer from asthma due to your railroad work, or if someone close to you has been diagnosed with a cancer that could be connected to rail industry. Contacting an experienced attorney immediately can increase your chances of obtaining the financial compensation you're entitled to for the pain and suffering.