Baldwin family

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The Baldwin family are mundanes introduced in Yon Ill Wind. They were brought into Xanth during hurricane Gladys.

Jim[edit | edit source]

Jim is the second husband of Mary and father of Sean and Karen. He also appears in Swell Foop.

Mary[edit | edit source]

Mary is the second wife of Jim and mother of David and Karen. She also appears in Swell Foop.

Baldwin children[edit | edit source]

Sean[edit | edit source]

Jim's son by his first wife. He is married to Willow, a winged elf. He was given the talent to fly without wings while in Xanth. He also appears in Faun & Games and Xone of Contention. He is mentioned in Swell Foop and Cube Route.

David[edit | edit source]

Mary's son by her first husband. He is the boyfriend of Jaylin. Because Demoness Fornax still maintains a connection to Jaylin, he has allowed Demon Earth to use him to watch Fornax and neutralize her if necessary. He also appears in Swell Foop and Currant Events. He is mentioned in Xone of Contention.

Karen[edit | edit source]

The daughter of both Jim and Mary. She also appears in Swell Foop.

Baldwin pets[edit | edit source]

The Baldwin pets appear together again as major characters in Well-Tempered Clavicle. They had returned to Xanth on their own when they got old.

Woofer[edit | edit source]

Woofer is Sean's pet dog. He is a large mongrel with dark fur. He also appears in Faun & Games and Luck of the Draw and is mentioned in Esrever Doom.

Midrange[edit | edit source]

Midrange is David's pet cat with blond fur. He also appears in Xone of Contention and Luck of the Draw. He is mentioned in Swell Foop and Esrever Doom.

Tweeter[edit | edit source]

Tweeter is Karen's pet parakeet with brown feathers. He also appears in Luck of the Draw and Esrever Doom. He is mentioned in Swell Foop

Extended Baldwin family[edit | edit source]

Jaylin[edit | edit source]

Jaylin is a girl from Hawaii who joins the search for the Rings of Xanth since Cynthia didn't secure a sixth member of her group in Swell Foop. She eventually became a conduit for the Demoness Fornax. She is now the girlfriend of David.