Doremy Vernon

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Doremy Vernon is an English actress and former Tiller Girl who was born in London, England, and is best known for playing Diana Yardswick, the Canteen Manageress in the long-running BBC comedy Are You Being Served?.

Career[edit | edit source]

Vernon is best known for her portrayal of Diana Yardswick, the Canteen Manageress at Grace Brothers in the BBC sitcom Are You Being Served, written by Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft, from 1975 until 1984. Doremy also appeared in many other well-known British TV programmes, such as Dixon of Dock Green, Hi-De-Hi!, Citizen Smith and One Foot in the Grave.[1]

She also had roles in films directed by Ken Loach, (Family Life) Ken Russell (The Devils), Alan Parker (Our Cissy), Stephen Frears (Bicycle Thieves), John McKenzie (Made) and Brian Gibson (Joey)

References[edit | edit source]

  • Are You Being Served? A Celebration of Twenty-Five Years. Richard Webber with David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd. New York; Welcome Rain, 1998.

Category:English soap opera actresses Category:English television actresses Category:Actresses from London Category:Living people Category:20th-century English actresses Category:Year of birth missing

. Tiller's Girls, author; Doremy Vernon. Published by Hobson 1988 Template:England-tv-actor-stub