The Addams Family Splurges

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The Addams Family Splurges
Series The Addams Family (TV Series)
Season 1
Original Airdate January 29, 1965
Teleplay by George Haight & Lou Houston
Story by George Haight
Director Sidney Lanfield

Summary[edit | edit source]

Uncle Fester is bored. Morticia suggests he take Zelda, her pet vulture, for a stroll, but he wants to take a trip. Gomez and Morticia reminisce about a picnic they took on Devil's Island, but nix a trip to the tar pits because Fester goes wild there. They think Death Valley is probably overrun with tourists, so they decide on a family outing to the moon, but think it will be costly. They head to the play room to consult Whizzo, the computer built by Gomez and Pugsley. It computes that they will need to raise just twenty-one dollars and thirteen cents over a billion. Fortunately, Whizzo can predict the winners of horse races.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Background Information[edit | edit source]

  • Cousin Nanook is referenced in this episode, as is Aristotle.
  • When Thing hands Gomez the money, he is a left hand, instead of his usual right. When he hands Mr. Hulen a pistol and then some hemlock whiskey, he is also a left.
  • The Addamses own a Farnsworth brand television.
  • Uncle Fester says the fish in the aquarium ate each other and Morticia frets that the children love their pet piranha.

Links and References[edit | edit source]

Guest Stars[edit | edit source]

  • Roland Winters as Ralph J. Hulen
  • Olan Soule as Harwood Widdy
  • Bill Baldwin as Announcer

References[edit | edit source]

Previous episode:
Uncle Fester's Illness
Episodes of The Addams Family (TV Series) Next episode:
Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family