The New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family

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The New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family
Series The Addams Family (TV Series)
Season 1
Original Airdate November 13, 1964
Written by Hannibal Coons and Harry Winkler
Director Jean Yarbrough

Summary[edit | edit source]

Hubert and Amanda Peterson are newlyweds, and they have leased the house next door. Their bliss starts to erode immediately when they see Gomez and Morticia Addams washing Pugsley's pet octopus, and Uncle Fester testing dynamite caps. Hubert tries to get out of the lease, but Gomez turns out to be the landlord and won't hear of it. Morticia, thinking the couple need to relax, has Lurch bring them over for a game of bridge. The couple are far from relaxed when they finally escape. The Family thinks that it's their appalling taste in decorating affecting the neighbors, so they redecorate the house for them in Addams style. Hubert has an inspiration, claiming his company is transferring him to Hong Kong. Gomez promptly buys the company to prevent the move - he's dead set on helping the couple, and can't understand why Amanda faints.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Background Information[edit | edit source]

Cleopatra, Aristotle, Bruno, Cousin Farouk and Pierre appear in this episode.

In the bridge scene, Thing is a left hand, instead of a right as in previous and subsequent scenes.

This marks the first time Morticia asks "Do you mind if I smoke?" then proceeds to produce smoke from her body.

Links and References[edit | edit source]

Guest Stars[edit | edit source]

Peter Brooks as Hubert Peterson

Cynthia Pepper as Amanda Peterson

Eddie Marr as Mr. Wentworth

References[edit | edit source]

Previous episode:
Green-Eyed Gomez
Episodes of The Addams Family (TV Series) Next episode:
Wednesday Leaves Home