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A Wave is when humans from Mundania come into Xanth in a large group. Sometimes the Wave is peaceful, but most times it is not. There have been fifteen Waves.
Year | Wave | Description |
2200 BFW | unnumbered wave | First human colony established |
0 | First Wave | The wave which established the current human population in Xanth |
35 | Second Wave | Men and children from the first wave murdered. |
200 | Third Wave | Men murdered, woman raped. |
204 | Fourth Wave | The women killed their rapist Third Wave husbands and bring in better men. Merlin becomes king. |
237 | Fifth Wave | |
286 | Sixth Wave | Roogna killed during this wave. |
378 | Seventh Wave | Pre-Curse fiend settlers. They keep to themselves and settle near Lake Ogre. |
698 | Eighth Wave | |
753 | Ninth Wave | |
797 | Tenth Wave | |
866 | Eleventh Wave | |
917 | Twelfth Wave | This wave was also called the Last Wave because Ebnez adapted a death stone into a shield stone to keep Mundanes out of Xanth. |
1042 | Thirteenth Wave | This wave was Trent's army which he was going to use to attack Xanth. Since he became king without violence, his army settled peacefully. |
1067 | Fourteenth Wave | The was is also called the Next Wave. They were aided by the Horseman, a Xanthian werehorse. He took out any king who lead well. |
1092 | Fifteenth Wave | This was is also called the Black Wave. They settled peacefully. |
There will not be any more Waves into Xanth. In Air Apparent the physical connection between Xanth and Mundania has been severed. Mundanes still make it to Xanth through other means but not in large numbers.